Monday, October 3, 2011

The Story isn't Over


You thought I was done... HA!

I have a whole new set of stories to tell, my dear friends.  Ready, set, go!

I have been back from Buenos Aires for 3 months now, and I will be the first to admit how difficult it has been. Of course getting off of the plane and being greeted by hugs and smiles from those that I love was phenomenal. I missed them all very much. However, what those smiling faces do not know is that I cried the whole way home. I didn't want to cry. I thought I was more mature than that. But it was uncontrollable. Those of you who know me know that I don't cry, especially not in front of people. Well, I sobbed, runny nose, hiccups and all. I felt like I was leaving home too early, that my experience shouldn't have ended. And quite honestly, I was terrified to go home. I knew that I had changed, but I had no idea how much, and what kind of impact that would make on my Tulsa home life.

How can a place that I called home for 21 years suddenly become so foreign? How did the city that I lived in for six little months become so comfortable? I wish I could explain it. I don't know how my heart became so connected to Buenos Aires (a city that I originally hated) and why this proud Tulsa girl felt (feels) so much distance so close to "home".

Things in Tulsa feel surreal, mundane, and frankly, completely strange. I felt this at a smaller level when I came back from France in July 2009. I was in France for an internship for 2 months, and when I came back, I felt impatient toward things at home. I couldn't figure out why I was annoyed so quickly and so easily by everything, but I could feel a change. Coming back from a six month stay in Buenos Aires, I am able to pinpoint exactly what this feeling is. It comes from reverese culture shock. It's not an uncommon feeling, according to the broad google search that I did. However, while the feeling is normal, sometimes it's difficult to identify the reasons.

I'll go ahead and tell you the motives of this blog.... it's my senior project, or at least a compenent of it. From timing, too many choices, the awkward spanglish that leaves my lips to the all around identity search that is internally occuring, I'll tell you my reasons for this peculiarity. Maybe they'll apply to you returnees also.

I would really love if you all would leave comments maybe telling me about your experiences as well? Or comments in general.

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Beauty is all around us

I haven't blogged in two months. That's a good thing! That means that I'm having such a fabulous time, that I have forgotten to update the handful of you that are reading this. I think you should congratulate me.

Way too much has happened. I went to Iguazu falls about a month ago. All I can say is: breathtaking. I laughed a lot while on that trip. We get there and we're all excited- to see falling water. It's just water falling. BUT ITS THE BEST WATER FALLING EVER. It really was a beautiful scene. All green. The mist can be felt from like a kilometer (yeah, that's right, kilometer. Get it metric system!) away. Once you get to the "Garganta del Diablo" - Devil's Throat, you're in awe. Mouth dropping awe. I felt like my eyes couldn't even handle what they were seeing. No pictures do it justice. I highly recommend that if you ever plan on going to South America, go to Iguazu Falls.

I would talk more about Iguazu, but that was quite some time ago. In recent news, my best friend Angie came to visit. ANGIE WAS IN BUENOS AIRES. It was the strangest feeling. I had home with me. My new and old homes met in one place. And it was almost like I wasn't surprised to see her, like I expected it, but didn't believe it. She came at the perfect time. Good job Angie.
I think we had a good time together, I hope she had a good time. We went to Mendoza, which was fantastic. Hellloooo wine, my good friend. We toured a couple wineries and an olive oil factory. I got to see mountains! I haven't seen mountains in forever. Like several years. What's funny about mountains is: they're just a really big pile of rocks. Yet, they stir up so much emotion. Weird. I guess that proves that the most beautiful things in life are the simple things. Or maybe I'm simplifying things.. eh, whatever. I still really liked the falling waters and the big pile of rocks.

Here's the funny part: It took me being a guide and showing Angie and her mom around to make me realize how much I truly love Buenos Aires. I found myself defending Buenos Aires against the exact same complaints that I used to ( and still do) make. It took someone else's eyes to open my own. With Angie assking questions and trying to get a hold of the culture, I embraced it even more, and now I don't want to let go. Yes, Argentina is inefficient, dirty, loud, annoying, a little dangerous, and a lot chaotic, but that's the exact reason why it's so precious. It's slow and waiters don't hassle you to leave. Two hour coffee breaks are not only allowed, but encouraged. Okay, so yeah, you have to basically kill someone to get noticed to get your check, but whatever. Okay, so people stand in very straight lines waiting for the bus, but official migration documents get lost, whatever. Okay so very creepy men of all ages say the most beautiful and demeaning words toward women, but whatever. I love it. I love all of it. So a big thank you goes out to Angie. Not only for visiting me and being my home away from home for a while, but also for showing me the back-handed beauty of my new home.

I've learned so much, and I basically (excuse my french) shit my pants when I remember that I only have FORTY DAYS left here. Four months have passed. I think I have felt every emotion there is to feel while being gone. I've had to deal with things that I didn't want to deal with, but I can do it. I think I'm growing up, but in a different sense. Not as much in the way of becoming more mature (that's a part of it, but not the main part) but in the way of knowing what strength is. I think I've always been a fundamentally positive and strong person, but I have learned the difference in being strong because I have to and being strong because I want to. I think that came with the realization of the blessing and curse of independence. What it means to be alone and on your own. I'm coming to realize what it means to really know myself- without any interferences from friends or enemies.

So, 40 days left, and I plan to make the most of it. I miss home, yet I don't want to leave Buenos Aires.  I miss home a ton, but home also means responsibilities, and I think we all can agree that responsibilities are yucky. So I will continue to grow up with no responsibilities for another 40 days.

Ps- I'm 21 in 3 weeks. I'm young and I love to be young.

those of you looking for pictures: you should know me better. I dont take pictures. I've always been a words girl. Sorry 'bout me.

Edit: I'm now obssessed with Twitter. I'm a little ashamed of that. Follow me! @solobrien. I'll follow you back if you're funny or if I like you or if I creepily want to know what you're doing at all times. Let's be honest, that's what social networking is for. #yeahisaidit  :)

Sunday, March 27, 2011

A little more of lately...

Serious slacking on my part. Serious apologies as well.
Sorry for the lame title. :/

It's been such a long time since I updated, and lots of things have happened. I wish I could go into detail about everything, but that would turn this simple blog into a doctoral dissertation, so I'll be brief.
- Spring break= badass. Loved the part of Uruguay I was in. Beer. Beach. Stray dogs. Pizza.
- School starting= a pleasant beginning. A bit of trouble running around looking for advisors and professors to approve classes and such, but worked out in the end. I'm taking Argentine Literature, Urban Fictions (literature),  Latin American History, Tango, and Public Relations (with Argentine students). I have class at 8:00am Tuesdays and Thursdays. Acceptable but definitely not preferable. I enjoy my professors, especially my lit professor. He's Fabulous and chatty and super intelligent. He spends a good portion of our class making fun of Argentina and its general inefficiency. I can't tell if he's serious or not. He also somehow connected the Recoleta Cemetary and the   attraction to death with  "stupid girl who really wants to lose her virginity to an attractive half-life, while she is followed by wolf boy and his gay boys" (the Twilight series). Win.
- Excursions= such a nice break from the city. Last weekend we went to the city of Tigre, which is right outside of BsAs. It's a super cute town right on the river. It's interesting to me how much calmer people are when they live near water. It was so much more tranquil, easy living. I wish I had pictures for you. Wut had happind wuz... I was super responsible and charged my battery over night, and then was super dumb and left the battery in the charger. Sad day. I still have my memories. The next day we had a "Dia del Campo" ( day in the country). We went to a beautiful Estancia and were greeted with steamy empanadas and orange juice. They did some folkloric dances and fed us a feast. I'm serious. The amount of food consumed at an "asado" is stoopid. First "the salads"- potato salad, carrot salad, veggie salad, etc. And tons of bread. Then the meat (which was brought out with a blasting of festive music- almost sounded like royal trumpets). The sausage was delicious , and I don't usually eat sausage. I tried blood sausage too. Wouldn't have been too bad had I known it was blood. Kinda mushy, black, sweet-ish. One bite was experience enough. Then they brought out the chicken, and finally the beef. the beef was kinda fatty but I liked it. I ate the world, and I don't feel bad about it. I RODE A HORSE! If you know me, you know that I'm not a big fan of horses. In fact I'm quite terrified of them. Despite my sweaty and shaking hands and better judgement telling me not to, I got on the horse. A twelve year old who worked there helped me mount him. Horses are hard to get on. My horsey hardly moved, but I gripped the reigns for dear life. I tried to nudge him in the ribs to get him to trot a little, but he would just turn around and nip at my feet.... but I RODE A HORSE. Good Solange. After that, they had some fun little gaucho games and then we had mate (herbal tea thing) and more food. More folkloric dancing, ice cream and then we all danced. It was a really good weekend, and it was all in exhaust-free air. Beautiful.
- This weekend= holiday! We didn't have school Thursday or Friday because it was a remembrance day for the 30,000 people who "disappeared" during the military regime in the 70s ( read up on that, it's really interesting and really frightening). We went downtown toward the Casa Rosada where thousands and thousands of people demonstrated. I can't tell exactly what they were demonstrating about, but PorteƱos don't really need a reason. They just need a lot of people and lots of drums. It was loud and passionate and HUGE. People and flags everywhere. It was also interesting to see how many young people there were. Kids from about 14 were fully participating in the demonstrations. Either they really care about their history, or they really care about politics, or they know where the party's at. Regardless, that wouldn't happen back home. I liked it.
After the demonstrations and stuff, I went to an outdoor concert. Placido Domingo ( who is the world's biggest and most important tenor) was performing. Why an outdoor concert? A strike, of course! The musicians at the Teatro Colon ( the most important theatre in BsAs) don't get paid enough, so they refused to play for Domingo. Way to stick to your principles! I'm totally fine with it because I got to listen to some beautiful opera without paying a dime. There were an estimated 100,000 people at this concert. I left early because that many people trying to get home via limited public transport sounded like hours and hours of frustration. It was a really good experience though, and I am officially a better and more cultured person because I went to an.. no, The, opera concert. Get lyke meeee!
I also went to the Ecological Reserve, and inhaled real air and did not have to dodge dog poop. Once again, Win.

And now I'm sick. Boo. Don't worry mom- I'm drinking lots of water, and I took meds. Chill. And no, I'm not going to the doctor. Please don't hassle me. I got this.

I'm too tired to present the deep cultural difference ponderings... so that'll happen later. Love you though.

Things that made me LOL:

- Disco balls, black lights, and play boy bunny stickers in the buses. Just tryna party.
- Some sir taking some dog (~ 30-50lbs) by the skin of his neck, twirling him around and throwing (not tossing) him into a shallow decorative pond. Huh? Please tell me that was your dog, sir... We are in downtown BsAs. What are you doing? Kicks and giggles? I kicked and giggled/ laughed hysterically.
-The colony of 50-65 year old men walking around shirtless and in flip flops. Sirs, this is an ecological reserve, not Daytona Beach. I think your confused.  Really though, there were like 8 of them, just sitting around taking sun, bronzing that nice round, salt and pepper hairy gut.
- A man, in the ecological reserve, bird watching, with speakers playing nature sounds. What? I thought we were in ... oh...hmm.. okay.
- Pimp my bike. Oh yes. 15 year olds, with low rider bikes that oh so attractively scraped the ground as they peddled through crowds of families. They had speakers on their bikes too. Loud ones. Bompin. Nice paint jobs. No bells or streamers or white woven baskets. No class..
- Male hair: A mohawk that turns into dreaded rat tails? a shaved head with one single dread flopping awkwardly at the side of your head? Spain mullet that turns into 7 dreads? I don't understand and it hurts my feelings.

I promise to update more.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

the city gets smaller and I get bigger

It's been a while friends! My most sincere apologies. I would love to tell you that I have been busy encountering the city and learning all that I can each and every day, so I will.
I'll be completely honest, it's taken me a while to get adjusted here. I'm kind of ashamed to say it, but I went through a horrible stint of extreme homesickness. What? Is my name Solange O'Brien? Solange calls home where ever she lays her head... Well, you got me. I have a heart and a home, but each day I seem to take Buenos Aires deeper and deeper within me. It's a painful and pretty experience. Funny enough, it's not the language barrier, or South American or Argentinian culture that sourced this shock. It's being in a big city. I've never been one to believe that the  world is as big as I am, but holy freaking smokes, it's tons and tons and tons bigger. There are so many people! I'm a newbie, and know maybe 20 out of the 13million people who are in this city. Lots of other students complained that they are overwhelmed because they can't be alone. People are always in the streets, shoving past you to live their own lives. I find the contrary. The massive amounts of people who don't know your name or face can be extremely lonesome. It's been tough to get comfortable, but I guess the positive spin is that there's always room for re-invention. I can be whoever I want to be  because let's face it, homegirl walking down the street won't recognize me anyway.
Don't get me wrong, I'm not sad or mopey. I love it here. I like the challenge. And with every passing day more of a routine is established, and faces become more familiar, and this big scary city turns into my home.

Also- I skipped class and discovered the city today. It was awesome. Got lost, walked for 5 hours in any and all directions, and did not get robbed or cussed out. WIN!

Enough deep, more deets
Not much has been happening on my end. School as usual. Objeto indirecto, Presente del subjuntivo, Pasado perfecto del Subjuntivo, Pasado imperfecto del subjunitvo, por, para, etc.. Bored yet? Me too. Exams for this intensive month is on Thursday and Friday. I'm not worried because these classes mean nothing to me or my transcript.
I'm really loving the gym I go to, and the girls who come with me :)  We have a great time together. And Leo and Esteban ( two of the instructors) are wonderful. If I keep this up, plus all of the walking, I might get one of those teensy weensy not real bodies that these portena women sport oh so nicely. Ha. Yeah right. Beef, pizza, beer and wine cancels that dream out, and I'm totally fine with it.
Outside of the academic world, social world is great. La bomba del tiempo was a great time. It's a outdoor concert thing that everyone in the world goes to ( especially drunk study abroad students) and a group of about 13 percussion instruments pour intoxicating tropical rhythms into your body. If you ever get to see this show, I dare you not to dance. You will fail. And it makes Mondays manageable... (I'm a sucker for alliteration).
Friday night I went to a house party. BEST  NIGHT. First off, being in a house.. Yes! It was a beautiful night ( all of them are) and vino, cerveza, and good porteno company. I spoke spanish the whole night, and while I stumbled on my words at the beginning of the night, by the end, it was the easiest thing in the world. Talked to a lot of people and had really great conversation. Naturally, politics eventually jumped in to the convo, and it was wonderful. I experienced ( for the first time) extreme foreigner prejudice. Homeboy, about 4 minutes into our political discussion, accused me of having an "exclusively American" point of view on American politics. Okay. Uhh... what? Eventually he said that neither I or President Obama know anything about being Black in America... once again.... Uhhhh? What? After about an hour and a half of heated spanglish discussion ( and Quilmes) we reached understanding. Plus, we totally bonded over our love for J.Holiday, Bobby Valentino and R Kelley ( that was mostly his love, not mine, but whatevs..) Cultural differences mended by music! Lessons learned, no harm no foul. To be completely honest, it was probably my favorite night here. Sure the flashing lights and dark smokey rooms are fun, but nothing compares to good conversation and learning about a culture. And I love talking politics with foreigners ( a lot more than with Americans). --- On that note, learned something... South Americans are deeply offended that we ( citizenship USA) call ourselves Americans, and call "others" otherwise. The boys made a good point, they too are Americans. I couldn't really explain why we do what we do. I've never really thought about it before. The best I could give them is that we were brought up on a 7 continent system, and while the Spanish language has "estadounidense" what would we say? "USA-ican"? "United State-ish"? "Middle of North American"? If you find a better name, let me know and I'll give it a shot.

Sorry so lengthy...  I guess thats what happens  when I neglect blogging for two weeks.

For those of you who stuck with me through this entry, or who are just big nasty cheaters, here are the

-Women's clothing: all size nothings. Seriously. I'm beginning to think that there's a perpetual shortage of cloth. F'real, that pant leg is the same width as my shoulder. Clothes here aren't real.
- Money. All you get is big bills. Tons of $100 bills. No one ever has change. Ever. And if you use a $100 for your purchase of $16, you will get the evilest of eyes, and then have to wait 15 minutes for the manager to approve the cashier giving you three of the one hundred $20 bills that is in the register in front of you. Money isn't real.
- Levi jeans having its own store. Levis, friends. and Wrangler too! They are located across from the Cartier kiosk. Huh? Not real.
-The shenanigans that take place at McDonalds post 2:00am ( see fb photo album " la vida es una maravilla" photos 38 & 42)
- shoes called "Sex Wax" They looked like skate shoes. They were ugly. He was twelve.
- A guido at the subway station. Gel was sweating down his face. His hands were very well manicured. I probably should have asked him where he got it done, my cuticles are a mess!

Later friends.

PS- I'm a big fan of receiving mail. Huge fan, actually. So for the dozen of you who are following this, here's the address:

Solange O'Brien
Cabildo 875 1er. Piso
Buenos Aires Argentina

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Vanity Fair

-Week one complete! The adventure is just beginning.
A quick observation before recount my adventures thus far:
People here look good. I mean they look really good. It's crazy how many attractive people there are in one area. Granted you might get a weird mullet or inappropriately placed "dred-head" every now and again, but for the most part, well done Argentina! Women take serious care of themselves, and men ( regardless of their creepiness) look good as well. Walking around in sweats and a t shirt is a no-no, and even going to the gym is a big deal. The gym ( which number at least 3 every other block) is just an extension of the fashion show. I cant tell you how much cleavage I saw while I was trying to get some miles in. Nike work out tops with a dangerously deep V neck along with the tightest of spandex capris is the accepted attire. I didn't know this. I wore a t shirt and my 5 year old dance capris. No hair, no make up. I looked a damn fool. The guys at the gym were all wearing their New York marathon muscle shirts that show off those six packs with precision. Outside of the gym, girls are wearing heels... no excuse me, girls are working those heels, despite the bumpy uneven roads and the excess dog poop that decorate the streets. I tip my hat to you ladies. I'm also super intimidated by you. Dowhatchado.

Back to me. It's strange when you leave one life behind to start another. There is such a mix of emotions. Fear, excitement, confusion, desire, hesitation, impatience are consuming me. I have been here 7 and a half days, and on one hand it's flown by. On the other hand, I feel so comfortable that it feels like I've been here for years. I guess I just have to make sure that I take everything in as it comes. I think learning how to really enjoy something will be an important lesson. Too often we experience things superficially. We have our fun and then realize what it actually meant to us once it already passed. Not that it's a bad thing, but I think that this trip is a good opportunity to dig a little deeper.

So to summarize my week. Expensive. Getting a life together is hella expensive, but whatever. That's life. I really like my Spanish teacher. She teaches us the important things, like the bombing of the Jewish center in 1994 and dirty Argentine slang. ( weed is porro). We had a quiz on Friday. Boo. Went out Friday, and I went out hard. Wine is cheap- two bottles for $5.75.    :)   The boliche (club) was fun, but they really could ease up on the strobe lights. If this is how all of them are, I may need to see a neurologist by the time I come home. Saturday was a nice little recovery day. I had lunch at a cute deli with a friend of a friend from the states. I went to China town and it's small but cute. I also found a place to get a Philly roll for 12 pesos! I got seriously lost on my way back, like 15 blocks the wrong direction, in the hot sun, on a recovery day. Ouch. But it was nice. I finally made it home, and my bed was my friend for the next four hours.
Today I went to the botanical gardens and the Japanese Gardens. It was a gorgeous Sunday. The Japanese gardens was like 8 pesos for entry. Not necessarily worth it, but it was still good. Finished my day with ice cream! Is it terrible that ice cream can improve my life like 50 points? Hello, my name  is Solange.

Tomorrow is Valentine's Day, and even though I wish I was spending it with that wonderful boy, it's probably gonna be another Titanic and tissues day. Timing and I aren't very good friends. I hope he likes his present though :)

I might od on chocolate too. My life...

Things that made me LOL
-Babies in strollers, no wait toddlers in strollers, no wait 5 and 6 year old children in strollers! Kids are working the system.. I cant even be mad
- Eighty year old couple gettin it on the park bench. Seriously, they were a solid 75-82 years old. I'm not talking cute old couple holding hands. I mean I saw this guys hands do some crazy things under this woman's shirt. And intense making out. He even removed his hat. The snogging continued for a good amount of time. Like five minutes plus. It was like a car wreck. I was seriously uncomfortable and unhappy looking, but I looked. And once again, I can't even be mad.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Bringing out the thinking cap!

First day of class, friends. It wasn't too bad. I was placed in  the intermediate 2 level, which is good because Lord knows my grammar is horrendous (thank you Eisenhower International School). The class moves at a bit of a slower pace than what's comfortable for me, but still important material. We'll see tomorrow if I want to venture in the "advanced" level. Maybe that's me just needing an ego boost, whatever. We only get a 30 minute lunch break, so I ventured to the caf. It is like any other caf you can imagine. Long lines. Iffy food. Jacked up prices. And foreigners. This time, I am the foreigner....I'll take it. So after too long of a wait ( this could be very easily avoided if they created a slightly more efficient system, but maybe that's my American talking) I received my greasy personal pizza, and CHOWED DOWN. Inhaled my food. Brings me back to high school days when the only option is to swallow (don't be dirty). It really wasn't bad, and I got to meet some new people.
I enjoy my class. Good people. I have to say though, first day of classes are always the best. They are disorganized and full of surprises, and no one is 100% sure if they're in the right place. Well, for a couple of my classmates, they weren't. We had one dude who barged in about 20 minutes after class started. He loudly introduced himself and in broken Spanish tried to ask if he was in "Luciana's classroom". No sir, its Liliana. After about 4 minutes of back-and-forth misunderstandings, the professor told him to go ask someone and come back. Never returned. Don't you love that excitement?! Slightly uncomfortable, but thoroughly entertaining for all spectators. Right after lunch, we lost another class mate who was in the complete wrong place at the wrong time. Some one was quite confused. I'm really surprised this didn't happen to me. But since it didn't, I can snicker at their mishaps and not feel bad about it (don't worry, I'm prepared for the karma).

After class, I ran some errands with a friend. When class ends at 3, and dinner at 9, killing time is essential. After cell-phoning, and banking and officing we decided now is the time to join a gym. On the way to the gym that advertised a student discount, we ran into a small gym just a few minutes away from my house. We asked  for some information and the owner, who spoke great English, offered us a free trial of the class. Returning at 6:00, I got my ass kicked. It was a bunch of plyometric  training, stuff that Solange's body hasn't seen in a fat minute. It was great though! The instructor was super charming, so yes, I bought a membership. I'm well on my way to becoming a real person in Buenos Aires.

To conclude:
Things that made me LOL
1 tiny lady dragging her dog along the block as he pooped in the street ( at least he wiped)
1 stray cat amongst 4 dogs ( sassy little puss. Sat there and stared as if she was bored. Take notes ladies)
1 incredibly large drive thru line at McDonalds (looked kinda like Taco Bell does around 1:30am)
1 lady walking and smoking ( I laughed because my first thought was "Clearly not a Tri Delta". She was tramp stamped too.)

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Yep, it's real (overwhelming)

Day dos!
Best news of the day: I HAVE CLOTHES!  Luggage arrived around 7:00 today. All of my clothes are here, but for some reason they threw out my shampoo, conditioner, mouthwash, and shower gel. Strange.. Worse things have happened. Oh and my suitcase is missing a large chunk out of the corner, but again, I have clothes.

So the day went like this: Orientation at 10:00, which means 10:30. After that, empanadas! They were delicious, and I over did it. Who's surprised?? Then we had our city tour, which was fantastic. I don't know what it was about today. Maybe it's jet lag, maybe it was the missing luggage, maybe it was the two hour orientation about getting mugged at every corner and detailed descriptions of the aggressive Argentine man, but I was a little overwhelmed. I was pleasant, but mostly kept to myself and took in the city. There was so much to see. While everyone was posing and taking pictures together, I shot some pics but mainly just looked around. I probably seemed like an anti-social Annie but  I'm just an observer before most things. I guess it's how I deal with culture shock. I have so much to see and do here! The overwhelming part: I'm gonna do it. Not all of it, but all that I can. Deep breath, exhale....whoa.

Okay so, another big part of this shin dig is immersion. I'm here to learn a culture. And not just the "Welcome to the Paris of South America" thing with big smiles, shiny buildings and souvenirs. I want the real authentic stuff. I need to meet some locals. It's next on my list. Tonight, everyone went out to the American bars and watched the Super Bowl. I was debating going with them. Maybe I should have... could have been a fantastic opportunity to meet kids my age, who are on the same crazy adventure as I am. But I didn't. Firstly, I had to arrange my stuff (doesn't it feel good to unpack and pretend like you have your life together?) Secondly, limited amount of friends (hey, it's day two. I'm working on it!) and no means to contact them ( cell phone search is first thing tomorrow morning). Thirdly, if I am looking for this legitimate authentic experience, a crowded American bar with American students watching American football might not be the best suit. Not knocking it because let's face it, girl loves her football. But I had a really good evening otherwise. Me and my host mother talked a whole bunch, and she gave me tips about the city and other places I should travel while in Argentina. It's not an ice cold Bud Light ( yes please?!), but it's pretty damn good.

So now that I have a closet full of clothes and a toothbrush to call my own, I'm feeling good. Chances are tomorrow will be good too!

Things that made me LOL:
4 black people ( the most so far! One dude wearing FUBU. Amen.)
1 girl wearing a romper ( and she almost made it look flattering! Kudos!)
1 intense public make out near Puerto Madero ( a chocolate milk river and rusty abandoned ship spells romance to me!)
1 70 year old woman tap dancing in the streets of San Telmo with a legit walkman, singing to herself and following people as they walked by ( And she was wearing a wind suit. Grandma, you win.)